Arabian Juices and Salad

Arabian Juices and Salad

Arabian Juices and Salads is a Juice Shop in Tolichowki. Different Types of Juices at Arabian Juices are Fresh Juices Anar JuiceAppleCarrotCocktailGrapesGUAVAKiwiLemonMaltaMangoMosambiMulberryMustard MelonOrangePapayaPineappleWater Melon Fresh Salads Afghani...

Galaxy Lassi

Galaxy Lassi, Saidabad Galaxy Lassi the Nectar in Summer Galaxy Lassi at sayeedabad is one of the oldest and famous lassi shops in Hyderabad. The name itself speaks volumes of its taste and Quality. Mr. Yousuf shareef, proprietor of Galaxy, started this lassi shop 35...