Pathargatti: The Historical Stone Arcade of Hyderabad
Today Bajrai Online Solutions are blogging about Pathargatti: The Historical Stone Arcade of Hyderabad.
Pathargatti is the Historical Stone Arcade and Historical Bazaar of Hyderabad.
As the building was constructed in stone it is called as Pathargatti.

In 1911 the seventh and last Nizam of Hyderabad Mir Osman Ali Khan built the Pathergatti buildings on either side of the road from Charminar to Madina building.
Pathergatti is a two storied red granite buildings with shops in ground floors and residential houses on the first floor.
According to Historians, the Pathergatti stone arcade is credited with one of the widest bazaars in India.
Historical Places in Hyderabad
According to Wikipedia,
Pathergatti is the main Business hub for the past century.
From Gulzar Houz to the Madina building there are showrooms of pieces of jewellery, Ladies’ clothing, kids’ wear, Shoes, wedding malls etc.
There are road stalls also with belts, shoes, slippers, kitchen items etc.
On Sunday, at pathergatti there will be ITWAAR Bazaar, Itwaar Bazaar is from Gulzar houz to madina building.
In that Itwaar Bazaar, you will get antique pieces, old coins, chandeliers, cycles, and many more antique things you will find.
Sources: wikipedia, hansindia etc