What After 10th?
This is a very important question, and it arises in the mind of Every Student and His/ Her Parents specially when the Student in 10th class.

The Simplest answer is After 10th you should run on the path of your goal i.e., if You want to become an engineer then select the field of Engineering or If You want to become a Doctor then Select Medical field.
But Wait!!!
Don’t Run Blindly on any field.
Many of the Students select the course because his/her friend is doing that or because his/ her parents forces him to that course.
This is not the right way to Select Your Future.
For Example:
I am crazy about Tea but My best Friend don’t like it.
Same goes here in Studies and Goals. Your Friend might be best in Mathematics but might be Mathematics is your least preferred subject.
So be careful in deciding the course you are choosing.
First and foremost step is decide your Goal and Destination.
What You want to become?
Don’t go in the present scenario i.e., for example today is Hotel Management in boom and because of this you want to go for hotel management. What is the guarantee that after 5 to 6 years Hotel management will be on boom only?
So Decide Your Goal wisely and when you have decided your goal then Stick to it and work hard for it to achieve that goal.
And Be Careful!
We are living in Competitive Era. Gone are the days when Slow and Steady won the race. Now-a-days Speed with steadiness is required to Achieve the Goal.
Whatever your field is. Be Master in your own field because famous there is a saying
The Person Who is not master in his field he will run after the Money . But The Person Who is Master in His field the Money will run after him.
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Maulana Ali Hasan Nadwi Rahimahullah
So When You have selected any field then you should try to be master of that field. Definitely for this you have to work hard and hard.
There is no substitute for Hard Work.
As You Sow, So Shall You reap.
So Decide the goal wisely and stick to it and work hard.
Best Of Luck For Your Future
We will write about different courses available in our other posts.