Al Qiratur Rashida was written by Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Rahimahullah.
It is written for the students of Madaris in sub continent, so that they can learn Arabic Language, the language of Quran and Sunnah. Maulana Ali Miya Nadwi wrote Qisasun Nabiyyeen before writing Al Qiratur Rashida
It has 3 volumes
Key Features Of Al Qiratur Rashida
- It is written in easy Arabic Language with New Arabic Words
- The book repeated new words so that the Student easily memorised the words
- It has lessons from the Ahadith in easy Arabic Language
- It teaches the Arabic language with the Theme of Quran and Sunnah.
- The book also has lessons that teach Islamic Aadab
- The book has lessons about Islamic history and Islamic Heroes.
Click here to Download AlQiratur Rashida Awwal Part I pdf and Duwwam (part 2)
Click here to Download AlQiratur Rashida part 3 pdf
Suggested Readings