Many Muslims Search Google for beautiful Islamic Names for boys and Muslim Names of Boys. But My opinion is, Google is not the best source for Religious searches. It is better to ask any Aalim ie religious Scholar regarding good name or purchase any book of Islamic Names.

It is mentioned in Hadith that best Names are Abdullah and Abdur Rahman. (Mishkath)
Here We sorted out some of the Names of Sahaba (Companions of Prophet Muhammad ??? ???? ???? ????). In the selection of Names we have selected the book IKMAAL FI ASMAA-IR- RIJAAL written by written by the author of Famous Hadith book MISHKAATUL MASABEEH Shaikh Wali Uddin Khateeb Tabrezi Rahimahumullah.

As many of Muslims now a days want unique and un common names, so some of the mostly used names of Sahaba we didn’t mention in this article.
Here are some of the beautiful boys nsmes
- Abu Bakr
- Omer/ Umar
- Osman
- Ali
- Zubair
- Talha
- Sa’d
- Abu Ubaidah
- Abdur Rahman
- Sayeed
- Anas
- Usaid
- Usama
- Ubai
- Aflah
- Abaan
- Ayub
- Bilal
- Buraida
- Tameem
- Sabit
- Soban
- Jabir
- Jareer
- Jundub
- Jafar
- Hamzah
- Hassan
- Hanzalah
- Hajjaj
- Khubab
- Khuzaima
- Khubaib
- Abu Darda
- Rafey
- Rukana
- Sahl
- Sohail
- Salim
- Sufyan
- Safwan
- Talha
- Abbad
- Urwah
- Uqbah
- Alqama
- Amr
- Ataa
- Uzaif ????
- Fazaala
- Qudama
- Qais
- Qasim
- Ka’b
- Kaseer
- Kaladah
- Laqeet
- Malik
- Maa’iz
- Muaaz
- Muawwiz
- Mistah
- Miswar
- Musayyab
- Mugheerah
- Miqdaad
- Muhajir
- Ma’qal
- Mihjan
- Musab
- Muawiya
- Marwan
- Mughees
- Munzir
- Muhammad
- Abu Mahzoora
- Noman
- Nayeem
- Nawaas
- Wasilah
- Wayel
- Waraqa
- Hishaam
- Hazzaal
- Abu Hurairah
- Yazeed
- Yahya
- Ya’la
Written by Abu Amina