Mr KB ZUBAIR RTI is the Telangana State General Secretary of AIPSRTIPC.
Mr KB ZUBAIR is having his own CONSTRUCTION business, is the Telangana State General secretary of AIPSRTIPC and is also famous as KB ZUBAIR RTI among people of Hyderabad and Telangana.
Hyderabad City office of AIPSRTIPC and Mr KB ZUBAIR RTI and Contact No is
For more details contact Mr KB ZUBAIR RTI or you can visit the State AIPSRTIPC Website
AIPSRTIPC stands for All India Praja Seva Right To Information Act Protection Committee.
What is the Objective of AIPSRTIPC?
The basic objective of the AIPSRTIPC is to empower the citizens and promote transparency and accountability.
What is the Objective of the RTI Act?
The objective of the RTI Act:2005
The basic object of the Right to Information Act is to empower the citizens and promote transparency and accountability in the working of the Government people in a real sense.