Manik Prabhu Medical Hall

Manik Prabhu Medical Hall in Saidabad Hyderabad

Manik Prabhu Medical Hall is a medical hall in Saidabad Hyderabad

All types of medicine available at Manik Prabhu Medical Hall

It also has Ayurvedic, Allopathy Medicines available at Manik Prabhu Medical Hall

It has all types of medicine are of Chemist Druggist and ayurvedic medicine available at Manik Prabhu Medical Hall

It is a wholesale and retail chemist and Druggist

The general items available at Manik Prabhu Medical Hall are

  • Cerelac
  • Cere Grow
  • Daxolac
  • Amulspray
  • Diapers
  • Chocolates
  • Cool drinks more…

Manik Prabhu Medical Hall address and contact number

Near safa medical hall
Hyderabad, Telangana 500059

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