Miftah ul Arabia Part 1 was written by Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Rahimahullah.

Reason for Writing Miftahul Arabia

According to Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini

Due to the change in the pattern of learning and teaching, because of the Lack of Skills in Students and because this is the age of convenience, Darul Uloom Deoband decided to write some syllabus books for the freshers or for the students of Initial Classes and Maulana Marghoob ur Rahman-The Rector of Darul Uloom Deoband gave the Duty of Writing Arabic Language Education to Him.

Key Features of Miftahul Arabia Part I

Miftahul Arabia is written in 2 parts. Here are some of the Key Features of Miftshul Arabia Part 1

  • The Book starts with Beautiful and important Educational Instructions which are useful to both teachers and students
  • It contains only Jumla e Ismiya i.e., Nominal Sentences.
  • It has 20 Lessons
  • The Book also has meanings for new words at the end of the book.
  • It has exercises at the end of each lesson which are useful in learning the Language.
  • The book is focused on the people or students who don’t know Arabic Grammar
  • It starts with the 2 Word sentences and at the End the Book it has many words sentences….

So, Miftahul Arabia is one of the best books for learning the Arabic language

The books start from easy 2 word sentences and end with multiple-word sentences.

So, anyone who wants to learn the Arabic Language should have this Book with him.

Click here to Download Miftahul Arabia Part I by Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Rahimahullah.

We advise our Readers to purchase books because reading a hard copy is the best way to learn.

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