S R Electrical Works

S R Electrical Works in Naseeb Nagar

All types of electrical works done like house wiring, repair all electronic things like fridge, washing machine,oven, exhaust, automatic washing machine,kular etc..

The electrical items available at S R Electrical Works are

  • Tube light
  • Led tube light
  • Bulb
  • Led bulb
  • Switches
  • Holders
  • Wires
  • Condenser
  • 3 plug
  • 2 pin socket
  • 5 pin socket
  • Spring
  • Ceiling holder
  • Night bulb
  • Ceiling fans
  • Ceiling light
  • Exhaust fan

S R Electrical Works address and contact number

Naseeb Nagar
Phool bagh
Chandrayan gutta
Hyderabad, Telangana 500005