Olive Hospital, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad
Address of Olive Hospital
Telephone numbers
+91 40 23525500-06, 3049 9500 / 99 Ext 101, 102 Fax: +91 40 2351 1320.
Speciality services of Olive Hospital
Specialty Services | Cardiology Cardiac Surgery General (Internal) Medicine Medical Gastroenterology | Surgical Gastroenterology Neurology | Neuro Surgery Orthopaedics Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Endocrinology | Diabetology | Rheumatology | Pulmonology | General Surgery Bariatric Surgery | Vascular Surgery | Physiotherapy Nephrology Urology | Dermatology | Plastic & Cosmetic Surger 1 ENT 1 Neonatology & Paediatrics Pediatric Surgery Psychiatry | Dental Surgery | Implants & Maxillo Facial Surgery
Diagnostic Services | MRI – CT Scan X-Ray Ultrasound & ECG | EEG & EMG | TMT | Biochemistry | Clinical Pathology
Cardiac Catheterization Histopathology Microbiology | Spirometry
For more details visit olive hospital
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