Miftahul Arabia Part 2 was written by Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Rahimahullah in January 1998.

As mentioned in Miftahul Arabia Part I, the reason behind Writing the books Miftahul Arabia is to fulfil the requirement of Basic Arabic Learning books for the primary Students of Arabic especially Madaris.

Importance of Arabic Language

As we know, Arabic is the language of Quran and Sunnah, so it is very important to learn Arabic Language to understand the Quran and Hadith well.

As Muslims, we should learn Arabic Language and understand Islam well the importance of the Arabic Language

According to Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Rahimahullah,

After the meeting of Scholars regarding the updates on the syllabus of Madaris, The Committee(Shura) of Darul Uloom Deoband specially The Recor of Darul Uloom Deoband – Maulana Marghoob ur Rahman gave the duty of writing Arabic Language books to him( i.e., Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Rahimahullah )

After the completion of Miftahul Arabiyyah Part 1, Maulana completed Miftahul Arabiyyah Duwwam.

Key Features of Miftahul Arabia Part 2

  • After the Preface, the book has Taleemi Hidayat to Teachers while teaching Miftahul Arabia 2
  • The book consists of 33 lessons
  • Meaning for new words is given at the end of the book according to each and every lesson
  • Important Instructions regarding each lesson is given below of each lesson
  • The Second part also consists of Fel Maazi and Fel Muzaare i.e Past, Present and Future tense
  • It also consist of Quranic Verses, Prophetic Hadith, Arabic Phrases in the Last lessons and more…

So, after completion of Miftahul Arabiya Awwal, Miftahul Arabia Duwwam is a very good book in learning Arabic Language step by step.

Download Miftahul Arabia Part 2 Pdf

May Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala accept the Work of Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Rahimahullah and Grant Him Jannah.