Kitabus Sarf
Kitabus Sarf is written by Maulana Qari Abdur Rahman Sahab Amritsari Rahimahullah in Urdu Language in the year 1905.

From the date of its first publication, the book is included in the syllabus of Islamic Madaris.
Kitabus Sarf is one of the best books written on the topic of Sarf in Urdu Language.
Key Features of Kitabus Sarf
- One of the Oldest Sarf Book in Urdu Language
- Included in the Syllabus of Madaris
- Concise and best in the Topic
- Table of Verbs i.e., Gardan is explained in the Tabular form
- Almost 118 year old Sarf book
- Almost all the topics of Sarf covered
- Exercises and Arabic Questions after each and every lesson for practising the learned topic…
Errors in Old Publications
The earlier publications has many errors which are not corrected in the book. Many publications has many Errors in Table of Verbs printing. Therefore, students got confused while learning.
However, some Publishers rectified those errors but This Edition which was edited by Maulana Muhammad Ashraf Tapuri Teacher of Jamia Islamia Taleemuddin, Dabhel has following uniqueness
- Rectified the printing errors in the Kitabus Sarf
- References of Arabic Books given in the footnotes and more..