Aasan Sarf Part 1 PDF

Aasan Sarf Part 1 PDF

Asan Sarf Part 1 was written by Mufti Sayeed Ahmed Sahab Palanpuri rahimahullah Sarf is one of the important parts of Arabic Grammar. Sarf (Arabic Morphology) is known as the Mother Of Sciences Aasan Sarf is written in 3 parts and it is part of the syllabus of almost...
Miftahul Arabia part 1 PDF

Miftahul Arabia part 1 PDF

Miftah ul Arabia Part 1 was written by Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Rahimahullah. Reason for Writing Miftahul Arabia According to Maulana Noor Alam Khalil Amini Due to the change in the pattern of learning and teaching, because of the Lack of Skills in Students and...